Aluminium coil and sheet products
All tension-levelled products, in various alloys and sizes
Stucco embossed, degreased or slightly oiled surfaces depending upon final
applications of the products
Surfaces covered with film upon request
Sheets with or without paper interleaves
Conformity to EN, AA or ASTM norms
Alloy and Temper:
1050/3003/3105/5005- H12/H22/H14/H24/H16/H26/H18/H28

Aluminium Tread Plates
Easy water drainage, easy cleaning and maintenance
Resistance to corrosion and external conditions
Tread coils/sheets with patterns of Diamond , 2-Bars or 5-Bars
Conformity to EN, AA or ASTM norms
6 Floors, stairways, slippery areas, trucks & trailers, toolboxes, automotive
accessories and decorative purposes